Why volunteer?

  • Feel proud
  • Develop rich friendships
  • Share your skills
  • Contribute to the cause
  • Meals and snacks
  • Memories
  • Recognition
  • And many others!

Our volunteers...

…are people of incredible generosity and we would not exist without them! Many are present at our fundraisers to give us a helping hand and others render us enormous services by performing administrative tasks such as translation, graphic design, mass mailing. The list of tasks is long and our needs are ongoing. Will you join us?

Interested in volunteering?

There are many ways you can get involved with the foundation. If you’re a health professional, a journalist, a photographer, or a blogger, you can apply as an expedition volunteer. Otherwise, other options are possible. You can organize your own fundraising activity or join one of our four main annual events. For more details, we invite you to have a look at our volunteer handbook available hereinafter (in French only).

Become a volunteer

Volunteer Handbook

Other volunteer opportunities

We are looking for motivated, friendly, proactive and sometimes (often!) early risers who will help to spread the values and philosophy of the foundation in all its related activities. We invite you to visit our fundraising pages to get an overview of the work that may be required. Above all, take a moment to review our Volunteer Handbook to understand the tasks you may be asked to perform.

  • Double Défi des deux Mario
  • CRYO Races on the Lake