



Amélie Grenier

Our first problem: the luggage!!! I was surprised when I saw the luggage. Two suitcases for a few days!?! Impossible! Possible, indeed! We had rendez-voused in the hotel lobby. Boarding for Forêt Montmorency; bus, highway, lunch on board. Ever tried to make sandwiches in a moving bus? Quite the adventure, but lots of fun! On the way, heated discussions and laughter were the order of the day. Wow! A meeting of human beings. I just love this kind of magic.

At our destination, tummies well fed, we gathered to meet the other participants and members of the team. More beautiful human beings!

Time for the distribution of winter gear to all, overcoats, pants, gloves, mittens, tuques, the “whole kit”! But how will we carry all this stuff? Not to forget the suitcases! This is a five-day trek by snowmobile! This is when “the bag” was distributed to all. “O, my God!” This if where the word “Adventure” took its full meaning! To travel light is not easy to start with, imagine doing it in winter. We’re all confronted with difficult choices: how to remain warm and keep it light? Our “non choices” will be waiting for us on our return.

The rest of the afternoon was spent getting acquainted with the snowmobile. The Safety Key (very important), the various manoeuvres (not easy, but we managed), the turns (shift your weight to the right, shift to the left), the brakes (pump them or skid off). In summary, we’re now graduates of Snowmobile 101, and ready to jump on our iron horses and scoot away in the woods!

And thus ended our first day. Good night, see you tomorrow!