



Amélie Grenier

Communal living with 22 people in a cabin is an adventure! On the bright side, Isabelle and her family had prepared a hearty breakfast to whip us into shape. We’re aching all over and fatigue is settling in. Well, no matter, the open trails are calling…

Today’s run is a healthy one, 135 kilometres! After crossing Anse Saint-Jean, we end up in Saint-Siméon at Arthur Savard Camp. What a site!

As we travel, I realize that much of Québec’s beauty is hidden. The mountains, and the people are simply fabulous. It’s still winter, but each road, each trail, every human being is different and so enriching. We’re tired and we must exercise caution!

Once at the log cabin we were longing for a hot shower and a comfortable bed. Our prayers were answered!!! Gracias!

Marie-Claude and Martin treated us like royalty, nothing less! To cap off this wonderful evening, we were treated to a folksinger.

Oh! For a good night’s sleep! Tomorrow is the last day of our snowmobile adventure. Time flies!

I must tell you that relationships have sprouted at record speed. Nobody wants it to end; yet promises of reunions abound… To be continued!