



Gil Thériault

For a third day, it was a succession of intense ups and downs and our youths showed impressive determination and discipline.

Despite their fatigue, the kids’ sense of humour did not let up during the trip. At times, confidences were shared about life changing experiences of the past. The kids seem to enjoy sharing their thoughts with other kids who, for once, totally understand their concerns. They also open up to the adults who are impressed by the young warriors.

After more than four hours of walking, a still enthusiastic group set up the large tent that will house some members of the group for the night. As the cabin cannot accommodate everyone, some volunteers will experience the joys of winter camping.

Before eating, some chores must be done: finding drinking water, setting up the table, and feeding the wood stove… Everyone pitches in and contributes to the comfort of the group.

During the evening, a sharing session on the experience to date allowed the youths to reflect on the objectives they had set before embarking on this expedition. Everyone seems happy with the experience so far, and they are right! It was a wonderful moment of candour and intimacy.

Tomorrow should be more relaxed as we will travel a mere 6 kilometres to the Cap du Salut Refuge