



Gil Thériault

Another full day for our group, now a family. Today, we travelled some twenty kilometres only to meet with The Walkers. Georges has given this name to a group of some twenty people who walk in the wilderness in self-support for a full month. It’s a kind of mystical journey for natives with difficulties. Let’s say a Cree version of On the Tip of the Toes.

We were greeted as friends at their camp. As a bonus, we met Leslie, Georges’ brother, at the exact location where their father died during a hunting expedition in 2006. An emotional moment, for sure.

Then, we went back to our camp for an afternoon of optional activities: extreme snowmobiling, ice fishing or jewellery workshop. Lots of fun.

After another meal fit for a king, an evening of reflections on our trip: the high points, the low ones, our objectives and our fears.

At one point, Georges and his sister shared their thoughts and emotions with us. Another moment that will remain in our hearts forever… one more in this memorable adventure.

Some moments are recorded to be shared with those who are not here, but others, such as Georges’ song, shall remain a hidden treasure reserved for the participants only. Sometimes, selfishness is warranted.