



The participants

Lunch, wake up in the morning to the sound of the guitar.

This morning at breakfast, while chatting with Janny, I found out that she was the author of a blog. A blog that recounts her experience, but only as background. Her goal: to help other young people to tame the emotions they feel and to face the most difficult periods. Here is her view of this morning’s awakening.

“What better way to be woken up in the morning by the sweet music of a guitar? We had the opportunity this morning, thanks to Marc-André, to experience this beautiful moment. When I woke up, strangely, I do not ask myself where I was. I think it is because we have been so wonderfully greeted that we feel at home. When I came out of my room, some of the participants of the expedition were already in the living room. We went to breakfast and we prepared our luggage. After putting the Voyageur canoes in the water, we started moving along on the water. From the first stroke of the paddle, I realized that it was really the big departure, I was ready and above all, I was pleased to participate in this expedition.” – Janny Mondor
Today, the sailing conditions were good, despite a good headwind. Let’s say we could not really stop paddling. The best way we’ve found to keep pace, after Catherine’s joke yesterday, was chanting our new rallying call: “Sau-cisse, sau-cisse, sau-cisse…”. Since that time, we make it a point to find opportunities to talk about sausages. Unfortunately, we were only offered marshmallows around the fire. We are anxiously hoping for them… maybe tomorrow night.
This evening around the fire, Marc-André asks the group to evaluate on 10 how we feel. Yan breaks the ice we saying he feels 10 of 10 because he is really having fun. Alex suddenly answers 9 x 4-2… Esteban keeps his ten for the future. We will find out when the time comes. Nicolas echoes by giving us a 9. Samuel confirms the happiness he is experiencing with the group, despite the rather cold weather. Janny finds the trip really cool, she is pleasantly surprised by the condition in which it is. Aminata vigorously gives 10.5. She gets to know great people and says she is very proud of herself.
The atmosphere is very friendly; the fruit and vegetables game made everyone laugh. Mario merrily shouts: “onion, onion calls…”.
Star gazing ends the day. Everyone gathers on the beach to watch the show. We’ll bet they will inspire our dreams…