



Laurence Yelle

Due to a last-minute problem, the blogger-photographer who was supposed to be in the field was unable to be at the departure of the expedition. The blog is therefore being written from voice messages sent by the facilitators to Laurence Yelle, the foundation’s communications manager. Happy reading!

Departure this Saturday morning with cheerful and motivated participants who joined the facilitators in Montreal, two of whom arrived yesterday from Edmonton. Annick, the expedition nurse, embarked in Quebec City to make the journey with our two facilitators Marie-Michelle and Eve-Marie, while Catherine, the doctor, also joined them this morning.

Departure was on time, with the cautious Stéphane at the steering wheel of the bus, who said “It’s better to be an hour early than a minute late”. And off we go!

First stop at Gatineau’s Saint-Hubert on Maloney Boulevard West, which welcomes the group like kings and queens. With their bellies full, the group hit the road again to Camp Air-Eau-Bois (Air-Water-Wood), where they met up with Manon, the psychosocial counsellor, and the incredible logistics team who were ready to welcome them with a pyramid of fully loaded barrels.

It’s the identity balloon that guides the first presentation game, a balloon on which are inscribed several questions designed to inspire and help participants for their official presentation to the whole group. It’s all done with a light touch! Artin shared that he is of Iranian origin and speaks Persian. So, he took the opportunity to introduce himself in Persian language. Hari shares that his favorite dish is “indian cury”, but we’re talking about version 2.0 where he replaces rice with quinoa. Maeve mentions that her favorite meal is Chinese macaroni!

After a short preparation, the adventurers are ready for their first introduction to canoeing on the lake. The lake is beautiful and calm, with almost no wind and no motorboats in sight. It’s really the best time of year to be out on the Poisson Blanc (White Fish) reservoir. It’s calm and peaceful. It’s the beginning of the colors, peaks of yellow, orange and red, it’s magnificent.

On this first outing on the water, the fine weather prompted the facilitators to stretch the moment out as long as possible to take full advantage of the uncertain weather over the next few days.

Back at camp, Johanne and Chloé awaited them with a good supper of chicken drumsticks, rice and vegetables. It’s officially chicken day after their lunchtime stop at Saint-Hubert!

Once again, the fine weather creates the setting outside behind the lodging, around the fire, for the first official discussion. It’s a starry sky that brings a sense of wonder to the discussion. Nature’s magic begins to work!

A values contract is drawn up. Participants are invited to mention what is important to them to ensure that the expedition runs smoothly within the group. Kindness, mutual aid and respect are named, and Antonin wisely reminds them that it’s also important to have fun, because after all, that’s why they’re here, to get away from home.

The discussion then moves on to their motivations for taking part in this expedition. Many are there, thanks to Linda Hershon, clinical nurse in oncology clinical research at CHU Sainte-Justine, who recruited 5 participants for this adventure! Some also mentioned that they’d been at home bored for several months and needed to escape boredom, to experience something different, to get out of the house. One participant humbly mentions that he is there to heal his spirit, his soul.

We set off on Sunday with a positive, motivated and cheerful group! A wonderful expedition lies ahead.


Translated by Sylvain Léveillé