



Laurence Yelle

Sunday’s theme: mutual aid. There was a great deal of cooperation between all the participants. Participants who are less mobile are naturally accompanied by others, whether to carry their barrels, fetch their meals or walk to the toilet. All this is done voluntarily and spontaneously, without even being asked. This is what we call “vivre-ensemble” (Living together): a form of cohesion and social solidarity based on their experience. It’s both beautiful and touching.

This morning, after breakfast at camp, the group prepared their equipment for the expedition and set off a little later than usual. They set off canoeing for 5.5 km, which they covered in just one and a half hour, which is particularly fast. Thanks to Eole for carrying the participants to their lunch spot!

A huge beach with an absolutely incredible panoramic view… Two participants even mentioned that taking the time to drink tea in front of such a beautiful landscape was their highlight! A hot soup awaits them as a starter to an excellent meal prepared by the invaluable logisticians accompanying the group. Before setting off again, to stretch their legs, they take the opportunity to play a slightly crazy game where laughter and “Yeehaw“ can be heard!

Then quickly back to the paddling to get ahead of a storm cell and make it to camp in dry setting. It was at this point that the competitive, performance-oriented side of some of the paddlers came to the fore. All the adventurers paddled hard to reach their goal.

Mission accomplished: the group reached camp before the storm. As they set foot on the beach at Pointe Dallaire, the rain began to fall. When the rain was at its heaviest, they managed to forget about it thanks to a wood-chopping activity initiated by Noémie, who was keen to learn how. The facilitators seized the perfect opportunity to teach them how to do it safely. They all did it, and they all succeeded. It’s wonderful to see the strength and solidarity that unites them. Each log split gave way to great celebrations, so great that Annick, who had been resting, joined the group to see what she was missing.

The activity gives way to a group discussion to gather participants’ impressions now that they’re halfway through the expedition. They are asked to rate their day out of 10, their energy level out of 10 and what was their highlight of the day. The average score for the day was 9/10, with the highest score given by Hari at 11.5/10. The average energy level was 7/10, largely due to the rain. Highlights included the “Yeehaw!”, the lumbering moment, the dinner beach and several inexplicable moments where you had to be present to grasp the meaning. It’s proof of a cohesion that takes shape through lots of little moments that are both rich and unique.

Sunday evening was a damp, rainy evening for the group of adventurers. They were comforted and warmed by the absolutely creamy and cheesy macaroni and cheese prepared for them by the trio of facilitators. Not to mention the extra hot dogs donated by the generous Johanne from Camp Air-Eau-Bois to satisfy Noémie’s craving. The meal ended with a scrumptious brownie fondant topped with a raspberry coulis.

Soon after, the participants return to their tents for a good night’s sleep. What could be better than sleeping to the sound of falling rain in the middle of nature?


Translated by Sylvain Léveillé