


Expédition automne 2017 jour 4

It was my first time. In fact, it was the first time for all of us, since, as David would say, each time and every group is unique.

Here is the story of 19 lives that collided the time of an expedition. The story of a group from which were emerged strong friendships and a rich complicity. A team that knew how to help, encourage, challenge and connect each other, to better disconnect from the city and daily routine. Beautiful young people who have found themselves in a refreshing environment to take the time to revitalize and create an atmosphere of tranquility where pleasure is undoubtedly the priority.

Around the fire last night, the shooting stars reminded us that we have the right to dream, and above all that we have the power to believe in ourselves, to be and become who we want to be. That we can escape, but that we must above all and always find the courage to go and face our realities.

Our last moment together and our goodbyes in Gatineau remind us that this is the end of a great adventure. Today, we all go back on our roads, between British Columbia, Montreal, and Chicoutimi. A bond unites us now and, in the most difficult times, we will have on our left wrist a memorabilia that cannot be taken away from us and that will remind us how strong we are together.

Thank you all for this unforgettable journey and see next time!

Geneviève Locas

Photographer/Blogger for On the Tip of the Toes Foundation