



Isabelle Robinson

Eight young adults from coast to coast met at the foot of the impressive mountains, iconic of the Saguenay region in Quebec. From Vancouver or St.John, some of them have been travelling since yesterday to be at tonight’s meeting at the La Courtepointe cabin in the Monts-Valin Park. They were thousands of kilometres apart, now life will join them.

Most have travelled far, and this first evening meal of “fine Italian cuisine” with the other members of the expedition was an ideal icebreaker and allowed all to get to know each other. The evening continued with a group discussion about respect, the essential element of a successful expedition. Finally, before distributing the equipment, our guides, Jeff and Catherine, traced the adventure to come on the map. The itinerary is filled with unknown names, sights to take in and challenges to face.

In the star filled night, in a chilling minus 20 C and the cold moonlight, the members of our expedition will sleep next to the warmth of the woodstove in the cabin, guarded by the eternal mountains.
From now on, let us be swept by the majestic view and “Let the mountain talk