



Amélie Grenier

This is our last day of snowmobiling before a two-night stay in a cottage at Mont Ste-Anne. We had to change our itinerary a few times today. The mild weather made some rivers and trails impassable. But, J-C, Dave and Jean-Guy are full of resources!!! Once again, we’re lucky to have them with us!

A Bit of History…
Did you know that a crater formed the Charlevoix Valley millions of years ago? Indeed! Today we saw, travelled and lived a 110 km trek across this crater plus one kilometre on a paved road because the ice was gone from the river.

It’s in that very crater that we saw many majestic sites.

To reach those gifts of nature, we had to climb to a first mountaintop. We had to maintain a steady rhythm and keep an equal distance between our snowmobiles to navigate the tricky trail. Our young friends gave me the necessary courage to face this challenge because, this time, I was far from sure I would make it!!! But, as they say, no pain, no gain…

The first marvel we saw was Notre-Dame-des-Monts. It just popped up between the mountains. All of a sudden, I was 5 again looking at the most beautiful village under the Christmas tree… But the sun lighted this village; it was real and full size!!!

Then, the St-Lawrence River came on stage. The mountains opened and the river appeared. How I wanted this moment never to end!!

Jean-Guy was leading the way, for the first time. He communicated his enthousiasm and energy to us, just like J-C. His passion for his work was palpable. He led us to the parking lot and to the waiting bus that took us to Mont Ste-Anne.

And so it ended.

What a beautiful ending.

To my snowmobile partners, thank you. To our guides, thank you and a special thank you to Mother Nature for her wonderful contribution.