



The participants

Group, emotions

Again, we were awoken gently to the harmonious sound of the Marc-André’s guitar. He travelled throughout the site to awaken each tent and to the beach where the most courageous, Yan and Alex, slept under the stars. From what they said, it was very pleasant. I would not have changed my place in my tent for one on the sand. Great job, guys! When we got up, the fog was still on the lake. It was a wonderful sight to see on the water, forest and sky blending together. Mario took the opportunity to cast a line, but without success.

As with each departure, Catherine proposes to the group to calculate the distance between the base camp and the destination of the evening. Easily, the youths succeed within a few metres approximately. Today another challenge is proposed; to try to determine where we would have lunch. Today’s weather forecast is windy but sunny; the almost unanimous decision was that of a hidden secret bay hidden is a small canal. Sheltered from the wind, the “lunch spot” will be perfect for the bravest and perhaps a swim. “Come on, I dare you!”. It did not take much to motivate Alex, Nicolas, Esteban, Yan, and Marc-André. Some even dared figures… really brave! I must say that before lunch, Marc-André had warmed us up by telling us the legend of The Chasse-Galerie.

When we arrived at the site where we were to spend the night, we had to do the usual things: take out our equipment from the Voyageur canoes and carry them, all together, entirely on the bank. Tonight, unlike before, the campsite is on top of a hill. Carrying the luggage was a bit of a challenge, but easily achieved by everyone. The big difference compared to yesterday was the challenge for the young people to climb the dome where they would spend the night, without help. Like an experienced team, the dome was set up in no time. So much so, that Marc-André awarded to them with the title of the most effective dome-setting group of all the expeditions he has accompanied since joining the foundation. This scene took place before Aminata, our apprentice photographer.

This evening, the atmosphere is festive. The guitar is playing, voices are humming… It is already the last night of the trip. A journey that unanimously will remain engraved in our memories. But for now, we still enjoy the time we have left together.

To conclude, the words of Esteban, a future blogger:

“While Nicolas, my new friend and blogger, described the activities that we have done together, he did not mention one thing. This wonderful feeling I felt through the waves of the Poisson blanc Reservoir, that feeling that made us want to keep moving forward and that made us forget all the worries of life. This emotion that we felt together in the Voyageur canoes as the wind was pushing us in the back, when the day before, it was against us. In short, this ‘thing’ that made us vibrate… It was simply navigating with the people that we learn to love forever, as we were living through trials supposedly insurmountable. It’s as simple as that.” – Esteban Gagnon