



Gil Thériault

After yesterday’s rain, we get our introduction to canoeing techniques under a generally sunny sky. Following a copious breakfast, canoeing experts passed on their know-how to the youngsters. To begin with, familiarisation with the equipment: the personal flotation device (PFD), the helmet for the rapids, and the paddle, followed by the canoe and the portaging techniques. Then, with the canoes on the shore of the lake, we learned the various paddling techniques. After the lessons, the real fun began as our now initiated youths had ample time to practice their newly acquired knowledge. It all ended with the proper way to right up a capsized canoe, and everyone got soaked, of course.

During the afternoon, organizers distributed the rest of the expedition equipment to the participants and helped them prepare their day bag (canoeing) and their night bag (camping). The rest of the luggage will be waiting for us at the hotel where we will return.
After a successful day, many volunteered for a game of Ultimate Frisbee, before supper.
After the meal and the dished, the equipment was loaded in the vehicles that will take us on the last hour of travel to the expedition starting point. Upon arrival, we unloaded the canoes and the equipment before setting up the tents and getting ready for the night.
Tomorrow, our journey begins.