



Laurence Yelle

Mario Bilodeau, co-founder of the On the Tip of the Toes Foundation, has a habit of saying on expeditions: “Heille la gang, on est tu ben!” (Hey there gang, isn’t this great?)

During our trip, we made it our motto. Throughout the expedition, every time Catherine said “Heille la gang,” both English and French speakers responded, “on est tu ben!”

This morning, we’re good, really good. The sun peeks through the treetops. The water is so calm that it perfectly reflects the landscape around us. Nobody wants the trip to end. It feels like this whole adventure has gone by far too quickly.

We take advantage of these last moments at camp to take a deep breath and capture our last memories together as a group.

Without too much delay, we set off. We reach our destination in no time. We put the canoes back on shore for the last time and say goodbye to the Poisson Blanc reservoir. We need to stick to the schedule so we can get back to Montréal in time for the flights of the participants who are off this evening by air. So, we return to the lodge, empty our barrels, take a good shower, head to the cafeteria for a last lunch and then it’s time to leave.

Back on board our mini-bus, and before anyone starts dozing off, we settle in for one last tradition: the presentation of certificates to expedition participants. The participants also receive a t-shirt with the Foundation’s logo, which they all pass around and sign for one another as a souvenir. Some of our partners have also provided us with gifts for the participants. Thanks to Produits forestiers Résolus and Look Good Feel Better, we hand each participant a sports bag with skin care products.

Our first stop is the municipality of L’Ange-Gardien to drop off Seth, who had joined us in Gatineau last Saturday. The first of many difficult goodbyes . . .

We then hop back on the mini-bus and head to Montréal, where our journey will officially come to an end. At our destination, it’s time to let the cocoons hatch, and watch our butterflies take flight. Just like nature at the change of seasons, we were lucky enough to see the participants evolve both as individuals and as a group.

Thank you for this immense privilege. Thank you for allowing me to meet and hang out with all of you magnificent human beings. You’ve reminded me just how liberating nature can be for both the body and mind. I am eternally grateful.

On that note, thank you from the bottom of my heart and see you next time, I hope!

Laurence Yelle, Volunteer photographer-blogger for the On the Tip of the Toes Foundation



Translated by Anna Tomczyk