



Fabienne Macé

The first day of an expedition with people you don’t know means meeting new people, getting instructions, practicing, and sharing. It’s the time to establish trust and set limits. It’s the time to take the plunge and enjoy the moment, the outdoors, the people and the good times.

Heading north in glorious sunshine

The first part of the group set off on the adventure in a shiny black bus. The atmosphere is lively among the thirteen young participants from the four corners of Canada. Some of them had already met on the plane the day before: Nicole and Jhelisa from Toronto, Paul and Michael from Calgary, while Romane had joined the Foundation team in Quebec City. And as Mario Bilodeau, co-founder of the On the Tip of the Toes Foundation and an experienced “volunteer”, and Jesse, a psycho-social worker, noted, the chemistry was instant, and the conversations flowed.

The three Désir de Découvrir guides welcomed us to the Grand-Remous snack bar, and it’s a full house as we share burgers and hearty poutines: Quebec gastronomy washed down with cream soda. Kayla, Kaylee and Kylie are at the same table… Sorry, girls but confusion may reign!

Time to get to know each other

As soon as we arrive at Domaine Pine Grove, we notice the tall pines, of course, but also the water on either side and the little white cabins that will welcome us for the night.

The rituals begin with an introductory circle led by Catherine and Eve-Marie, the Foundation’s two facilitators. It’s an opportunity to get to know each other a little better by saying our first name, the pronoun we want to be called by, and answering a question. We learn that Coralie’s totem animal is an elephant, Vincent’s is a polar bear, and that Jessica, owner of Désir de Découvrir, and Catherine are competing to be the mama bear. In addition to Canadian and French backgrounds, we learn that Kayla is half-Ukrainian, half-Polish, and Rania is from Morocco. So, brothers and sisters, know that you’re at the top of our list of favourite people. Some readers will undoubtedly recognize themselves!

Time for a swim and new discoveries

The weather is beautiful, and the water is warm. A quick swim feels good before we get down to the technical demonstrations of canoeing. How to get in, how to launch the canoe, how to paddle efficiently in pairs, how to steer… and even how to navigate on our knees, if our body allows it. Two basic instructions: work on stability in the canoe and communication with your teammate, two great tools for building bonds of trust. And speaking of trust, for some this is their very first time in a canoe, and believe me, they’ve tried everything, practiced everything, and can be proud of themselves. In fact, Hippolyte, Désir de Découvrir’s guide, has made us a promise: everyone will be able to steer their own canoe by the end of the trip! Mind you, he also advises us to follow the red canoe… check out the photos, you’ll understand 😉

Mario, our super outdoorsman, invites the group to appreciate the importance of connecting with nature during our expedition. Feet in the water, eyes closed, our little group shares a moment of silence and awareness.

A bucolic setting at the water’s edge

A huge table covered with bouquets of wildflowers awaits us. All we have to do is sit down and enjoy a choice of lasagnas: vegan, with meat and cheese or with meat but no lactose… something to make everyone happy. But the most important thing is the good mood that reigns, and the conversations that flow left and right.

Why these expeditions?

The Foundation has been organizing expeditions since 1996, and Mario B. has been using outdoor interventions since 1979. The four therapeutic goals are clear and shared by all. At the beginning of the evening, the participants recall them:

1. To “meet new people, to include everyone and to connect with people who share the same challenges of illness and cancer,” says Charles.

2. Kylie mentions “connecting with nature, which is a source of healing”.

3. Romane remembers “regaining confidence in your body by trying new things”.

4. And it’s Charles again who closes with “having fun” to create good memories and beautiful smiles!

We continue with a moment of sharing the motivations for taking part in this adventure and the fears that go along with it. There was alternating laughter and deep emotion.

Fireflies and tinsel

Back to more lighthearted fun with Catherine and Eve-Marie, both tangled up in their garlands of light. And I’m going to reveal two of the Foundation’s traditions: the High & Low, for which Charles is responsible, and the Journal, that Vincent is in charge of. But I won’t say anymore!

Rania pointed out the firefly invasion… in their own electric garlands; they put on a nice show!

With that, everyone returns to their cabins for a well-deserved rest or a game of cards, courtesy of Kayla. It also looks like conditions are ripe for the Northern Lights. Stay tuned, it’s only the first day and already so much has been experienced, tried, wished for, exchanged and so on. See you all tomorrow!


Fabienne Macé

On the Tip of the Toes Foundation Blogger and volunteer photographer


Translated by Lorraine Gagnon