



Alexandre Chouinard

«My name is Marie-Hélène Lambert. I am 28. I come from Chicoutimi.»

«Our group was divided in three groups, or watches. Some are on duty from 4 to 8 AM, the next group takes over from 8 AM to noon, the third group from noon to 4 PM, and so on. This allows us to travel long distances without interruption. Consequently, we also sail by night. We never stop to drop anchor, we keep on sailing.

This morning, we left very, very early. We weighed anchor at 4:30 AM. Talk about a wake-up! Today, we will be on the watch rotation. My group and I were on the 4 to 8 watch. It was quite enjoyable. After the beautiful sunrise, we saw a porpoise, a whale, and some seals. We had a great time together, quite enjoyable. During the rest of the day, I relaxed, baked in the sun and slept.

For the time being, everything is super. I’m enjoying myself; the weather has been perfect until now. We have a great group and a super atmosphere. I am making the most of this opportunity to go sailing, as I had never done that before. What a wonderful opportunity!

I hope things will continue the same; personally, I would like to see even stronger bonds. Things started out at a rather fast pace. Of course, being in confined spaces, we didn’t have much choice. Overall, the group is super friendly. I can only hope we will create even stronger bonds. That would be wonderful.
The ideal conditions to continue our trip would be some nice weather. Let’s hope the winds will keep light, otherwise I fear some of us will be in for a rough time. I can’t wait to discover new places with people who have never been there. That’s what I wish for. Also, I hope our group will continue to be so friendly.

On the down side… but, then I got out of it rather rapidly, I had a small anxiety attack. Leaving with a bunch of stranger in confined spaces was rather stressful for me. I tried to overcome this. I succeeded and everything went so well. As I was saying the bonds came rather rapidly, and that helped.

What I’m enjoying most is sailing, as I have never done this before. I never had the opportunity. And I don’t believe I could have at any other time. It’s a super ship. Also, I get to experience life on board a sail ship. Then there is Jean-Baptiste who tells us all those things about the ocean. It’s a very interesting and enriching experience.»