



Gil Thériault

Last preparations: early morning, the team got a practical course on snowmobiling: how to start, accelerate, brake, turn using the body as a counterweight, etc.… the machines are in good shape as are the drivers.

Nice weather: rather cold (-12°C), but no wind and a clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen. And this lasted all day.

After the usual preparation (luggage and last minute instructions), the group started out around 2 PM. Soon, the deep snow claims its first victims, as, despite the experimented guides tracing the way, because of distraction, a false steering move, our convoy must stop to extricate someone from a problem situation. After 50 kilometres of this, the group stopped for a pick-me-up of water, chewy bars, and cheese around a raging fire.

It’s day’s end, and we travel the remaining 40 km in half-light and total darkness. With low visibility, temperature falling below -20°C, a few wrong turns, and lots of recoveries, we reach our long awaited shelter around 10:30 PM.

Everyone retires to nurse aches and bruises and minor frostbites around the warm fireplace, with comforting food.

We will never forget today’s experience. Each of us had to reach deep down and came out a winner. These youths are so aware that adversity makes us stronger.