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Date of the Expedition

From August 13 to August 23, 2024

Registration Deadline

15 June 2024




Réserve Faunique La Vérendrye, Qc

Age Group

19 to 29 years old

  • In remission

Number of Participants

14 maximum


This expedition will offer the chance to discover the territory of La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve, Qc., while canoe-camping.

An 11-day stay in Quebec, in a remote area, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet other young people with similar experiences as yours and share moments of joy and challenges through a 9-day canoe camping expedition.

Our expedition will begin in Montreal, where the group will meet before the grand departure. On August 13th, we will hit the road to Domaine Pine Grove, by bus, to meet our guides, starting to learn some canoe techniques and do some gear preparation. We’ll spend this first night in a cabin.

The next morning, when the preparation will be over, we’ll jump on a shuttle with all our equipment to reach our departure point on the lake at Réserve Faunique La Vérendrye. From this moment, our canoe adventure will begin for the next 9 days. During our expedition, we’ll travel between 2 and 10 km per day, for a total of almost 65 km in nine days. In order to progress from one lake to another we will sometimes have to portage our canoes and our equipment on portage trails, this will add a challenge to our expedition and allow us to discover even more territory. We’ll sleep in tents, on a new campsite we’ll establish every night. On the campsite, we’ll share the chores: cooking, fire, wood collecting, dishes etc. We’ll live outside for the whole duration of the trip, but we’ll have delicious hot meals cooked on the fire every night. On August 22nd, we’ll end our journey on the water and enjoy one last celebration night all together at the Domaine Pine Grove. The next day, we’ll get back to Montreal by bus and then home.

Expedition Members

On each expedition team there are two adventure facilitators whose role is to ensure the smooth running of all the activities. They are supported by a medical team – composed of a doctor, a nurse and a psychosocial professional – whose shared mission is to ensure the good health of all members of the expedition. In addition to these experts, each team includes professional guides with extensive knowledge of the area covered by the expedition, and a blogger responsible for capturing every moment of this great adventure in words and images.

Geography and History

The territory of the La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve spans the regions of Outaouais and Abitibi-Témiscamingue and is located 300 kilometers from the city of Montreal.
With over 4,000 lakes, water is an incredible asset for the La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve. It includes the Grand Lac Victoria and two gigantic reservoirs: Dozois and Cabonga, fed by rivers with evocative names from local cultures: Chochocouane, Capitachouane, des Outaouais, Gens de Terre.

This place is a paradise for canoe campers and fishermen with over 800 kilometers of navigable circuit. The lakes and rivers abound with fish and the mixed forest is home to nearly forty mammals and hundreds of birds.

Two Algonquin communities, Kitcisakik (or Grand Lac Victoria) and Lac-Rapide, are located within the boundaries of the wildlife reserve. These territories have never been ceded in history.



Waiting list

If, for any reason, the expeditions currently offered are unsuitable for you, we can put your name on a waiting list. We would then contact you when we launch subsequent expeditions.

Put my name on the list