



Étienne Beaumont

In the morning In the Montreal jungle, way too early and without any form of guilt, the sun calls us out of bed. The big city is already active and soon we’re on our way to the train station. Slowly, the group comes together. Scott, our young participant from Montreal, tells us about his city, the Bell Centre, and the latest news about the Montreal Canadien. At the station, we meet with the rest of the participants. All goes well. Everyone is looking forward to leave for Triton, the famous venue of our expedition. After the usual salutations, we’re on our way. What a sight! There goes the “Triton 2009” team. They come from different places; they’re all different, yet without a doubt, they are one in this expedition. One by one they board the train followed by a mountain of supplies. In a loud metallic roar, the train surges forward

In the passenger car, the scene is perfect. Mathieu dazzles us with his magic tricks. Mélanie quickly jots down her first impressions in her notebook for fear of missing something. Mickael has already settled in and engages in a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors”. No doubt, this is bliss. Slowly and simply, the day goes on. At times, there is laughter and action, followed by quiet periods of reflection. There is a guitar in the baggage. Obviously, it is a matter of time before it comes alive.

It is raining when we arrive at the old train station at Triton. Jean-François, ever the optimist, is quick to convince us it is liquid sunshine. In any event, we’re fully equipped to face much worse. The rain recedes under the smiles of our troop and there is like a film music score in our good mood. At long last, we get to the cabin and our adventurers warm up in this wooden palace. The local team greets us warmly. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is reminiscent of the banquets in the Asterix comic strip. After the meal, we are told the meat pie was made with bear, moose, deer and hare meat. No matter, our adventure promises to be grandiose. For the time being, we listen to the wind blowing though the large spruce trees. Once again, as I look at those smiles, I believe I am witnessing true happiness.  After a rather busy day, the team rapidly goes to bed. Never had I imagined that “adventure” could be so sweet. Happily, tomorrow promises to be serene.