On our last full day on the water, Catherine and Mario draw our attention to the powers and benefits that nature has to offer. To heal us, to uplift us or to dazzle us. Let’s open our senses and our hearts and remember that we too are part of nature. Let’s enjoy this new found connection today.
Happy Birthday Marylou
No ukulele for us this morning. The team has come up with a surprise wake-up call to celebrate Marylou. Discreetly awakened by Catherine, we surround Lysianne and Marylou’s tent and sing her all the birthday songs we can think of. She also gets the Hawaiian balloon and pom-pom treatment, along with a big card signed by all. Happy birthday Marylou… in case you haven’t heard it all day.
Support and solidarity
We leave our beautiful beach in bright sunshine. It feels good after the wet days we’ve had. Eleven kilometers by canoe await us, with two portages. It’s a nice challenge, though, because the aches and pains are coming out and the fatigue is starting to show. We’ve lost track of time, with no reference points other than sunrise and sunset; we’ve been in the wilderness for a week now. On the other hand, we’ve certainly gained ease and confidence in all our maneuvers. Most of all, we now know that we can count on each other. The cohesiveness of the group means that we are able to draw on our reserves and find unexpected resources. As always, Jessica defuses any pressure by inviting us to “give our 100%, whatever that 100% is today,” to give the maximum we’re capable of right now, without comparison or judgment. And if we succeed, it’s because of the group.
As we meander along a beautiful river dotted with tall grass and rocks, Alice asks Jessica how guides deal with fatigue and pain during an expedition. Jess explains that she names it and recognizes it, because it’s normal for the crew to also be tired in these conditions. It’s not about performance, but about learning and self-discovery, physically, mentally, and even emotionally.
Filling up with nature
Invited by Catherine, a great admirer of the beauty of nature, we take a moment at noon to absorb the sounds, the colours, the smells, the wind, the warmth of the sun, the river, and so on. Everyone sits down for a few minutes and takes it all in.
Lunchtime fishing and well done Alice! She caught her first fish with a big smile on her face. Mario had found a promising spot and Charles, a very experienced fisherman, caught three in a row and repeated his feat in the evening!
We cross a windy lake in the late afternoon and find a beautiful spot to set up our final camp. I’m amazed at the energy the troops still have to unload our gear. Patience, mutual aid, and kindness go hand in hand with resilience, courage, and participation. I’ve learned yet another lesson.
The site overlooks the lake, and a beautiful boulder beckons for a refreshing jump. I’m on hand to immortalize the various jumps, cannonballs and tricks, but what I see most of all are big, childlike smiles. It’s a carefree, joyful moment.
Just one word
This morning, as the last day of our wilderness expedition began, the facilitators encouraged us to look back on what we’d accomplished and think of one word that would sum it all up.
Around the campfire, after another delicious meal and a birthday cake in honour of Marylou, we share our word with the group.
Jhelisa: Challenging
Romane: Child-like
Charles: Roots
Nicole: Appreciate
Kayla: Compassion
Michael: Inspired
Vincent: Pure
Alice: Confidence
Rania: Discovery
Jesse: In the moment
Coralie: Resilience
Eve-Marie: Loon
Lysianne: Weather
Mario: Wonder
Paul: Together
Kylie: Capable
Marylou: Glow shine light
Hippo: Passion
Catherine: Beauty
Fabienne: Trust
Jessica: Meet
Jérémie: Shaka bra
Sometimes there were two or three, and each one described the highlight of his or her adventure. You never come away empty-handed from such a “journey”. The messages are strong, profound, funny, moving, vivid, very personal and of great benefit to us all. I would have liked to share them with you, but selfishly, I wanted to savour them and give them my full attention.
Thank you, Mother Nature, for inspiring such depth, beauty and love.
Fabienne Macé
On the Tip of the Toes Foundation Blogger and volunteer photographer
Translated by Lorraine Gagnon