



Gil Thériault

It was a long day for all. Having left Cochrane around 7:30 a.m., we reached Timmins Airport 90 minutes later and proceeded to scan the baggage in the security area. It took a long time considering the size of our group and the number of baggage.

Slowly, the group broke up. Laurence was the first to leave on her own for Québec City. Once in Toronto, Daniel, Sancia, Naila, and Hannayah left us. The majority of the group was headed for Montreal airport to continue on their way by car. Matthew, Louis and Gil took other flights back home.
As usual, after such an intense and enriching experience, there were mixed emotions: happy to see the family again but sad to leave our new friends.
Maybe we will meet again, maybe not. But the smiles of our adventure partners have had a positive influence on our lives. And each time we will meet again, there will be happiness.
Vaya con dios, amigos! May the wind always be at your back.