



Jean-Charles Fortin

When head winds, rain and accumulated fatigue come together at the same instant, one should step back and take what is called “a day off”. This is exactly what we did today.

Under the circumstances, we decided to let our young friends sleep in, to recuperate from the energy they spent yesterday and from the mosquitoes that disturbed their sleep.Even at that, Charles-Henri and Émile showed up in the kitchen area around 8 AM; a few minutes later, Francis and David joined them. As for the others, they got up – actually they were “helped” out of their sleeping bags – around 11 AM. After all, we’re their friends and that’s what friends do…

The day started with a musical brunch courtesy of Catherine on the ukulele and nearly all the others on voice. In turn, the Beatles, Jo Dassin, Bernard Adamus, and many others came in to entertain us in our kitchen shelter. Then, Marie-Joel led one of the activities of our intervention program: name a strength you discovered during and because of the expedition: “I never thought I could paddle that way”, “Normally, I’m disorganized, totally disorganized, and here, I am organized.”, “I’d never imagined we’d become friends so rapidly.”, “I never thought I could communicate in English.”, “I never imagined I could tolerate the mosquitoes and living outdoors.”,“I never thought I could be that tolerant and that patient.” In reality, one of the objectives of our program is to make the kids realize that have strengths they never suspected before. Apparently, we have succeeded…

The rain clouds having disappeared, it is time for a yoga session on the beach with our yogi-sometimes medic, Caroline (in fact, the less she puts her medical talents to use, the happier we are…)Our yoga studio is most inspiring with its background of fog on the open sea and the sound of crashing waves.Then, Marc-André L. invited us to walk along the beach where we discovered all sorts of treasures: specimens of sea lettuce, Laminaria seaweed, scuds, crabs, and jellyfish, an anchor, and containers of Fleishman’s margarine (not surprising, as back in the 80’sYves Corbeil used to tell us he always ate Fleishman’s margarine during his outdoor activities).

During our walk on the beach, we conduct a meditation session. The participants are invited to leave the group, select an inspiring spot, sit in silence and empty their minds by looking out at the horizon or closing their eyes. A nice way to recharge the batteries… The rest of the afternoon will be spent playing games. Some of the participants, will play loup-garou, others will pen their thoughts in our collective logbook, as Jeff, Allegra and Ali try their hand at solo kayaking under the watchful eye of our guide Sébastien, master paddler and one the of very few Quebec kayakers with a Grade 4 certificate.

During the evening, there is a bonfire on the beach and all are invited. Their mission, create a song. In closing, here is the first excerpt of their song:

So give me a kayak
And let me go
I’m here to explore
And to go with the flow

I’ve made new friends
And memories too
The waves they are calling
To me and you