



Jean-Charles Fortin

We were hoping to start the day with fresh trout for breakfast. Mario (Bilodeau, co-founder of the Foundation), Sébastien, Jerry and Patrick went fishing in the early hours of the day. Unfortunately, for them and for us, we had to limit ourselves to quinoa and wild blueberries. Not a bad alternative…

We then headed off to Calhoun Island, our lunch stop. Once again, we had to face a blazing sun and heavy winds. Our efforts were rewarded when we sighted a black bear on Twin Sisters Island, a small 100 by 500 meter island! The bear probably swam from one small rocky island to the next to get to his destination, as it is some 3 kilometres from the coast.

Overall, we paddled some 14 kilometres along Shebeshekong Channel, mostly with a head wind. We are now back on Franklin Island, but on the west side. It was a long day, even exhausting for some. We were all very happy to reach terra firma around 6 PM! The kids didn’t have a clue what time it was, as we had confiscated their watches, telephones, I-Pods and other toys before the start of the expedition. We go by the sun and the moon…

And now, the “gossip column”: Brennan continues to learn French and he can now say “I like Virginie, sometimes”. Sébastien (of his own will) spent the night outdoors. Fareed has just about conquered his fear of water. Ashley thinks Sébastien is rather cute (but that was already public knowledge…).