
Expédition traversée des deux Mario

Ahhh! The last day! When we woke up, the sun was gently rising on the walls of our tents while the first birds warmed up the interior with a good hot drink, necessary after our last night, which turned out to be much colder and damp than the previous one.

Fortunately, it looked like a good day to travel the final eight kilometres to our destination, the Roberval ice village.

After having swallowed a large bowl of hot almond milk cereal, here we are again in our final camp packing and dismantling preparations for our journey’s final stretch.

Even though departure was at average speed, the pace increased as we moved towards the final goal—a final blitz to reunite with family and friends on the site to celebrate our efforts we gave over the past three days.

Several members of the group were completely out of their comfort zone during this expedition on the ice of Lac-St-Jean. Taking a quick survey around you and you will find that there are few who decide to go on an adventure when the temperature is around -35 °C in the morning and spend two consecutive nights outdoors.

It is filled with pride, lungs full of fresh air and all icy landscapes imbedded in their memories that Rio Tinto adventurers can head home standing tall.

Their commitment to the Double défi des deux Marios was tremendous on many levels, not to mention their determination and tenacity. Their corporate challenge raised nearly $65,000, which will go directly to therapeutic adventures for young people in cancer remission.

This March, a group of young Canadians will be enjoying an adventure in the Chic-Choc mountains, in Gaspésie. In the summer of 2019, a great Voyager canoe adventure on the Manicouagan Reservoir is also on the agenda.

Despite the tingling extremities, the highs and lows of the winter adventure and the fatigue accumulated after travelling some 30 km, let’s bet that our travellers will be recognized on Monday morning as they arrive at Rio Tinto factories and offices.

Sincerely, congratulations to the entire group and thank you for your great commitment and the wonderful moments spent with you all!

Dave Jean, Blogger and Photographer

On the Tip of the Toes Foundation